Get Outside | Western Chief Shoes

Get Outside

Get Outside

The cold weather has arrived but that doesn’t mean the fun needs to end! There is a lot to be done outside during the fall and winter months. We’ve listed just a few to encourage you and the family to turn the TV off and grab your boots for some outdoor fun!
Hit the beach!
While the beach is a prime spot during the summer for sun-bathing and sandcastle-building, we sometimes neglect these spaces once the weather turns cold. One of the coolest things about visiting the beach at different times in the year is witnessing the change of seasons. Take advantage of the change and use that wintery ocean breeze to fly a kite over the gray sand and shore.

Explore a park!
Not only can you discover new and exciting bugs, but spending time outside with your kids encourages great engagement and opens the door for new conversations. Children are curious by nature and often notice things that adults overlook. Allow yourself to rediscover alongside them. It could open a door to some imagination and creativity that you locked up long ago! Tag or a friendly snowball fight are fun no matter how old you are – just make sure you bundle up for when the temperature drops below freezing!

Splash in some puddles!
Hanging out inside requires that we follow some rules and guidelines. It can be surprisingly difficult to enforce some of these rules (inside voices, the clean-up rule). With the right gear, puddle splashing is a thrilling activity for little ones and it’s likely to bring a smile to everyone’s face as they hop from puddle to puddle laughing at the top of lungs! Additionally, it will almost certainly use up some of that endless energy they seem to have.


While spending a day outside away from all the screens and technology is healthy and exhilarating, one of the best parts about going out is coming back in. With cold hands and noses, it’s nice to warm up by a fire or with a hot beverage (See Spiced Hot Chocolate). Cozy up and waste away the rest of the day with a board game or perhaps reflecting on the all that you saw during the day!


You can find a variety of rain boots suitable for rain and snow at

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