Monster Candy Apples | Western Chief Shoes

Monster Candy Apples

We've got a spooky twist on a fall favorite: Monster Candy Apples! Grab some sugar googly eyes, food coloring, and sprinkles, and you're ready to create this terrifying treat!

Here's what you'll need:

Melting candies (found at most grocery stores)

Candied Googly eyes (Found at most grocery stores, especially around this time fo year)

Your choice of colorful sprinkles

Food Coloring


Treat Sticks


Careful when melting your candy, as it burns easily. Start on low or in a double boiler.

Wash your apples. Take the melted candy and either drizzle as you turn the apple slowly over the pot for the mummified effect OR use a spoon to poor the melted candy over the apple until it is completely coated. Add the sprinkles and the googly eyes, and these terrifying and tasty treats are ready to go!

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